Your air conditioning system might account for roughly 12% of your entire annual home energy expenses and up to 70% during more heated summer months. The HVAC is the greatest energy user in the entire house. If you are like most households, you are undoubtedly searching for a strategy to boost air conditioner performance and lower your costs. However, this may be simpler to say than performed.

Don’t lose hope. There are certain tips that can aid you. Keep reading to learn how you may help your AC unit function more effectively and cost you lesser through the duration of a year. But if your AC have serious problems, visit for budget aircon services in SG.

Outside Condenser Unit: Clean the Area

If your outside unit is clean and clear of all dirt, it will function more efficiently. However, cleaning the condenser can be difficult if you aren’t familiar with what needs to be done and how to do it. Hire a professional cleaning service for a thorough cleaning. They’ll know how to make sure the right measures are taken to avoid major catastrophe.

Avoid Placing Your Thermostat Near Any Potential Sources Of Heat:

The thermostat’s location has a significant impact on the effectiveness of your air conditioner. Installing your thermostat close to a sunny window, lamp, or appliance can cause it to inaccurately read the temperature in your home.

A trained HVAC professional is aware of this, and hence will not install a thermostat in a spot where it will be subjected to excessive heat. However, it may be worthwhile to remedy the problem if your machine is older and in poor condition.

A thermostat placed in such a location would falsely “think” that more cooling is required for the room than is actually the case. In the long run, this will increase the cost of cooling your home and increase the strain on your air conditioner.

Put Up Shutters:

Close the shutters or draw the curtains to keep the sun from heating up the room. If you’re attempting to maximize your system’s efficiency, this is a huge help. You can lower the amount of heat entering your home by covering the windows. As a result, your system won’t have to work as hard.

Close your drapes and blinds before you leave for work in the morning. This can be useful for keeping the house cool during the hot summer months. You can let the late-afternoon sun in by opening them when you return home. You can maintain your indoor climate while doing this.

Plan Consistent Upkeep:

Maintaining your air conditioner on a regular basis can help it run more efficiently and save you money. Your air conditioner will be running at peak efficiency and you’ll avoid expensive repairs by hiring a skilled HVAC technician.

Signs that your air conditioner requires servicing include a spike in your utility costs, more frequent cycling on and off, the formation of ice on or around the compressor, and any noises that are different from the norm. If you observe any of these warning signals, it’s time to call in the pros so you can get your AC system running at peak efficiency and start saving money right now.

Settings Adjustment:

Raise the temperature when you aren’t going to be using the air conditioner to get the most out of it. You don’t need the air conditioner running at a very low setting when you sleep or are away from home. The energy costs will go down as you gradually raise your temperature. As an added bonus, this will prevent any unnecessary heat gain.

Setting up individual room thermostats is another option to boost system efficiency. The kitchen, the basement, and the bathrooms are not among the few areas of the house that require air conditioning. Every room can have its own temperature set by installing thermometers.

In terms of household issues, this will also improve efficiency. Room thermostats will allow each member of the family to set the temperature to their liking. This is an additional perk of having temperature control in each individual room.

Ceiling Fans:

To improve air circulation and reduce indoor temperatures, install ceiling fans. They disperse the cooled air all over the room, reducing the load on the air conditioner. The AC won’t have to work as hard to move the air around the room.

The space may be cooled with just the help of the fans. Because of this, you can increase the thermostat setting and take some of the strain off the air conditioner. Fans won’t have a huge effect on your energy cost because they don’t use that much power. In addition, they will cut down on resource wastage.